Report on the cancellation of legal status of civil society organizations

Report on the cancellation of legal status of civil society organizations
Nicaragua – 2023

Report on the cancellation of legal status of civil society organizations

As of November 7, 2021 -the day on which voting took place in an electoral process questioned by national and international organizations for lacking competence, impartial electoral authorities, observation and other guarantees for transparency and respect for the political rights of Nicaraguans- a total of 62 organizations (including national NGOs, international cooperation agencies and political parties) had lost their legal status and their ability to operate legally in Nicaragua.

Once a new period of government for the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) was assured, on December 13, 2021, a new stage of repression against national and international non-governmental organizations (including universities) began, stripping 12 of their legal status in December 2021 and 1,277 in 2022, counted up to August 15 of that year.

The count carried out by the digital media Confidencial indicates that as of March 31, 2023, 3,321 organizations have been closed. Of that total, "half a hundred have been confiscated, with a total of 87 properties verified by the journalistic alliance formed for this investigation. Other dozens of properties have also been seized from the media, businessmen and representatives of the private sector, diplomatic headquarters, and "denationalized" citizens by Ortega's orders, adding up to more than a hundred and a half usurped properties, in a plot in which a dozen public institutions have participated", states the newspaper.

The Nicaraguan Observatory against Torture, promoted by the Human Rights Collective Nicaragua Never Again, documented between April 2018 and March 2022 some 138 cases of torture, cruel and inhuman treatment against these people. Some of the cases include physical and mental torture, poor food, lack of access to drinking water, medicines and medical care, confinement in punishment cells with poor ventilation, heat and no light, among others


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